A Brand Beyond

It wasn’t enough just to tell a story around the newest space technology in the galaxy. The story was bigger than that. ARKA has elevated the entire national security industry for over 40 years. They deserved a video that captured the spirit of engineering, positioned them as the creative pioneer they are, and told the world about where they’ve come from and where they’re going. And the robust video package that was created did exactly that, with ARKA being the talk of the industry for months after it launched.

Project Highlights


Full Rebrand & Website


Final Video Assets


Years of Brand Legacy to Represent

Thought Leaders in Focus

After thorough pre-production and an exhilarating time on set, piecing together all the powerful stories from ARKA employees was the easy part! Being able to hear from their phenomenal team through our testimonial video series allowed the power behind ARKA’s success and innovative technology to really come through. The minds behind the scenes were the true stars of the show.

Video Snackables

Sitting on a mountain of incredible interview footage, we worked with ARKA to create an entire library of video marketing assets. Digestible content that fueled their marketing team’s editorial calendar for months.


Behind the Scenes with Bluetext


Filming Locations Nationwide


Employee Interviews

10 +

Hours of Footage Collected

Make a Big Production of It

Our journey took us from outer space to outside Phili, from the rocky mountains to CGI mountains, from the Hubble high bay to high-security clearance. We designed laser beams. We wore bunny suits and hair nets. We did whatever it took - and we got the shots!

3D Production

Our 3D team worked with various product SMEs to make sure our designs looked good, but also that everything was technically accurate to the mission environment.


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