The Bluetext team has been working with Adobe and its public sector marketing and communications efforts for 15 years. One of the more fun events that we help support is the annual Adobe Digital Government Assembly (ADGA), an all-day gathering of government IT and marketing executives held here in Washington.

It’s been an especially long and brutal winter this year in Washington, so Bluetext wanted to do something different to help drive interest in this year’s ADGA. So we commandeered an ice cream truck, wrapped it in Adobe messaging around ADGA, loaded it up with hot chocolate, and spent three days driving around government office buildings here in the Nation’s Capital. Adobe wanted to both thank government workers for all their hard work, and attract attention to its annual gathering.

Bluetext leveraged social media to let agencies know when we would be coming by their buildings, and promoted the hot chocolate truck heavily in the days beforehand. The outreach was so successful that several reporters noticed the Twitter traffic and filed their own articles on the Adobe truck. On the day of ADGA, we parked the truck in front of the hotel venue starting at 7:30 in the morning, welcoming the attendees to the event.

Prior to the event, we also used social media to set hashtags and topics for ADGA so that those attending could participate in some of the immediate feedback. During the event, we live-Tweeted the highlights of the various speakers, and helped drive engagement. As a result, we had dozens of twitter-followers engaging in a real-time conversation about the presentations and discussions. Traffic was high enough to be a trending topic during the morning sessions!

Bluetext also reached out aggressively to traditional media and government trade publications to ensure that they would write about the trends and new technologies being applied to government missions. Those efforts paid off with coverage in Federal Computer Week and other news outlets.

Bluetext’s efforts supporting Adobe’s annual gathering shows how digital, traditional and guerrilla activities can all play together to drive awareness, attendance and coverage, while offering a fun way to thank customers for their work.