Elegant Website Design

Once the content strategy and wireframing stages were complete, it was time to bring together the analytical and strategic thinking with the visually stunning elements of The Weather Company’s brand. Bluetext applied the brand to the wireframes to create the color comp designs seen reflected on the website. Leveraging elegant, custom components for desktop, mobile, and tablet, Bluetext created a responsive website design built to showcase the elegance of The Weather Company’s brand elements as well as the details around their market-leading solutions.


To help businesses and consumers understand the importance of and harness the power of weather, the Weather Company needed expert content strategy, combined with sophisticated and impactful design to help tell their story. Bluetext worked in lockstep with the Weather Company to achieve just that.

At A Glance

One App Trusted by All

#1 downloaded weather app 3x more downloads than the closest competitorOnly media brand in the Top 10 Most Trusted Brand

Delivering Data to Broadcasts & Businesses

Relied on by 750+ global broadcasters25+ Billion weather forecasts per dayCovering 2.2B Locations Leveraged by 2K+ enterprises

Forecasting for Flights & Families

Informing safe passage for 25K flights per dayUsed by 360M+ consumers per month 3x more likely to have the most accurate forecast

Project Success, In Numbers

From the project kick-off to the launch date, Bluetext worked at rapid speed and was committed to hitting an aggressive launch date while producing the highest quality deliverables from beginning to end. This included in-depth discovery work (to ensure we understood the business, its challenges, and its goals), as well as intentional content strategy, SEO, wireframes, color comps, motion study/animation, fully responsive website development and QA, content loading, and strategic recommendations throughout the entire process.


total days from inception to completion


business days for strategy, design, & development


pages of content loaded in 1 week

Information Architecture & Wireframes

From the inception of this project, the goal was clear - create a visually stunning website that caters to the specific content needs and expectations of visitors across priority and secondary audiences alike. In a comprehensive process, Bluetext was tasked with the creation of a new information architecture, which was broken down to establish the content strategy for each individual page. SEO, UX, cross-linking, and the use of taxonomy were all primary considerations in the development of the content strategy and the resulting wireframes which outline the structure of each page.

“Thank you for helping us navigate a very aggressive schedule and deliver such a strong Day 1 product. Thank you for finding solutions to our challenges and teaching us along the way. Thank you for caring as much as we do about the outcome. ”
Randi Stipes-CMO, The Weather Company

The World's Leading Weather Provider

Since its inception nearly five decades ago, The Weather Company has combined human and meteorological expertise with trusted technology to instill confidence, drive better decisions, and propel the world.

As a global leader in weather data, forecasting, and insights, with more than 185 patents to their name, The Weather Company provides scalable, proven solutions for consumers and businesses alike, including the Advertising, Aviation, and Media industries. Plus, their robust Weather Data API platform makes it easy to integrate their weather data into user's applications, business processes, or custom models.

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Custom Build

Bringing the color comp designs to life requires thorough attention to detail, technical expertise, and an eye for UX best practices. This project was no exception. Bluetext’s team of savvy developers custom-built the website template and components to match the desired design and functionality to a tee. Everything from complex integrations to custom animations to interactive states were implemented in this build to create a website that not only looks beautiful but also functions swiftly and seamlessly.


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