User Centric Journey
Bluetext utilized a lot of unique and user-interactive components to keep users engaged throughout their journey on the website. Custom icons on the website work to highlight various statistical facts, areas of expertise, and capabilities of the Verve Security Platform. Through these custom graphics, Verve can tell its story in a simple, unique, and approachable way.
Made for Mobile
As a key part of our discovery process, Bluetext determined that many users were visiting the Verve website via a mobile device. As such, it was crucial that we ensured a mobile-friendly version of the website. We created scalable text, images, and components throughout the website to ensure a smooth and sleek user experience for all users.

Extending the Brand
Verve’s newly refreshed brand identity is image-focused and includes specially curated imagery and videos. Across the digital and traditional marketing platforms, imagery is overlaid by a transparent layer of purple color and text that brings the revitalized brand to life.