Bluetext moved fast to create a bold new name and brand that would make a lasting impression on the market. The name Qarbon Aerospace, or QA, stands for ‘quality assured’, representing the company’s relentless pursuit of quality in everything they do. The logo showcases this commitment to quality. The shape of a plane connects the QA within the logo, representing the company’s vision: ‘aerostructures remained’.

Qarbon’s new website incorporates all of the brand’s new elements, ensuring consistent brand identity and a strong web presence. The website includes custom photography showing off Qarbon’s core capabilities, as well as a virtual tour that lets users explore Qarbon’s 1,650,000 ft² of state-of-the-art facilities.

Collateral Design
A brand’s story does not end with its website. Bluetext designed scalable collateral templates, including PowerPoint, business card, letterhead, and signage templates. These templates explore different ways of expressing Qarbon’s visual identity while communicating the core brand message.