Delivering the Perfect Pitch
What makes Audi Field D.C.’s new business district? Bluetext interviewed current premium season ticket holders about their experiences using DC United’s unique atmosphere to enhance their new business efforts. The result was The Perfect Pitch. The campaign, including this microsite, highlights the benefits of premium seats and generated numerous leads for the D.C. United sales team.

When Clients Are the Goal
Bluetext targeted the small & mid-size business market, a growth area for D.C. United. Marketing focused on the excitement of the stadium and a new way to do business development.

Emails That Scored
Email drip campaigns targeted select prospect types. Emails generated new leads as well as excitement around D.C. United’s first full season at Audi Field.

The Bluetext Ad-vantage
Bluetext reached new fans with targeted display advertising, driving season ticket sales and generating interest in United’s surge to the playoffs.

Targeted Promotion
Bluetext selected potential growth areas based on current and projected demographics
Speed to market
When DC United’s late-season hot streak pushed the club into the playoffs on the last week of the season, Bluetext pivoted to take advantage of this historic opportunity.
Championship look and feel
Bluetext helped create a cohesive brand identity to enable D.C. to stand out time and time again.
GOALDEN Execution
For consumers, Bluetext created a GOALden ticket campaign to deliver exclusive offers for once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Bluetext created the visual style and executed it across emails, LinkedIn, and D.C. United web properties.