Branding 2.0
Upgrading an aesthetic into a real identity, Bluetext produced a new brand to live alongside GMAT. Calling All Optimists was born, complete with its own unique color palette, animation style, and graphic elements. With a true corporate visual identity ready for the global campaign, GMAC could finally tell the top-funnel story it needed to tell.

Brand Signal
In addition to the new brand and logo, Bluetext equipped the campaign with a brand signal, #callingalloptimists. This signal captures the entire top-funnel campaign message in a single graphic, which GMAC could use across all corporate communications and the entire branding house.

Personalized Website Experience
In order to reinvent a microsite with an annual 400k+ visitors and 50k+ site conversions, Bluetext upgraded into a full website. From multiple dynamic personalized quizzes and scalable interactive component designs, Calling All Optimists was more than a campaign landing page, it was a dependable digital branch of GMAC’s global sales funnel.

Calling All Gen Z’ers
The branding works well for the target Gen Z audience, with text-forward components and animated “C”, “A”, and “O” blocks. Plus, Bluetext designed a new optimistic color, “Reina Blue”, which gives even “Sunflower Yellow” a run for its money.