Messaging & Positioning
Bluetext was tasked with providing strategic value around company positioning and redefining the external focus of the organization as it pivoted more into the healthcare space. Created messaging would need to function within the context of their work with CMS, their largest client, and within the federal health contracting space at large.

A Revitalized CVI
Bluetext was tasked with refreshing the corporate visual identity and website to reflect these changes while using their existing logo and logomark. Bluetext developed a CVI that focused on 3 primary design elements created and inspired by the logo to suit different types and tones of communications.

CVI & Website Redesign
To bring the new branding and external messaging to life, Bluetext designed and developed a series of custom website templates to fit specific content needs. The new templates features a series of interactive components that made finding relevant information intuitive to across their target audiences.